Monday 4 July 2011

Life's Side Quest (1)

Hey guys,

Kinda bored with life after FYP (final year project). So I was thinking of something out of the norm to do daily or monthly quests. Just to spice things up a bit in ma life. Hhihihihi...ala bajet dlm game..boleh la kan hihihi. So aku pon xsure nak wat quest mcm mner. Luckily, my roomate, Alan bg challenge kat aku (dier pon wat gak...super cool la kau Alan haha).

Try to survive 10 Days or More without FACEBOOK!

Yup without Facebook. Lately Facebook's kinda a must do in life. Sbb sikit-sikit nak Facebook...sikit-sikit nak Facebook..Alan pon naik bosan ngan aku hahaha. So jadi la QUEST nih hihi.
So the 10 days without Facebook has begun :P This is a geeky way..haha. Oh and for those in the pictures above. Is it true ya'll will miss meh or Facebook yg tulis? HAHAHA Sho Shweet :P

Anyway, hope dapat wat quest nih n thx guys for reading ma post! YOU'RE AWESOME!!!

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