This past few weeks aku busy plak. Busy with life n stuff. So anyway, post kali nih aku nak share experience aku berjumpa dgn 'ARTIS-ARTIS INTERNET'. JYEAH! Dapat gak jumpa & lepak-lepak. Cool gak la. Yang paling best...semua sekepala (for me lah~)

Video interview untuk 1711Entertainment pon ada record gak. Yelah dah host dia Aidil kan? Jom tengok muka nervous kena interview aku!
Thanks Aidil & 1711Entertainment for the interview. Appreciate and terharu sangat-sangat. Another video! Video aku :3
Jyeah! Hambik ko banyak video dalam satu post. Muahaha! Oh lagi satu! Aku and a few daripada diorg ada jugak buat satu travelog project tersama Mas Holidays (salah satu sebab aku busy untuk update). First episode daripada travelog project tuh akan dia upload maybe....hujung bulan nih. By the way, ni promo jer (haish...another video):
Okay..okay. That's all the videos yang aku nak share. Hehe. Thanks sudi baca! Assalamualaikum! Stay Ohsem!